Synthetic Data

Synthetic data is the resemblance of original data but without any sensitive information. Companies use synthetics data tools to test their ML models. They use simulation to create completely new high-quality data that is not from the real world. Further, it can be used to test products, services as it mimics the statistical properties of real-world data and produces high-quality new data points.

Synthetic Data

As the name suggests, synthetic data is artificially created information. It can be defined as - " data manufactured algorithmically resembling the original data." Synthetic data is the resemblance of original data but without any sensitive information. Companies use synthetics data tools to test their ML models. They use simulation to create completely new high-quality data that is not from the real world. Further, it can be used to test products, services as it mimics the statistical properties of real-world data and produces high-quality new data points.

Featured Companies

Here are some amazing companies in the Synthetic Data.

AI.Reverie creates synthetic data, the material required to train comp ...

Tonic automatically creates mock data that preserves key characteristi ...

YData helps data science teams accelerate their AI development with im ...

Autonoma AI creates synthetic data for all type of Intelligent Autonom ...